Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lecture 13 - The End of the Egyptian Empire

Going by this lecture, it's difficult to see what Egypt could have done differently to maintain its empire. Obviously, the chaos over succession to the throne didn't help, but with all the attacks, invasions, and influxes of other peoples, what could they do? They couldn't control what was going on in other parts of the world and didn't seem to have a habit of invading for territory so much. Maybe an empire always has to fight to expand, not just maintain. Sad, that. 

Quizlet practice   password Ecollapselec13

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lecture 12 - The Imperial Army and Administration

Egypt administered Nubia directly with many layers of control - things mostly stayed peaceful for the Egyptians. In the Levant, loose control didn't seem to work so well. Perhaps they didn't have the resources to control both Nubia and the Levant or maybe the Levant was considered less of a threat. If the Levant was conquest instead of defense, that could explain it to a degree.

Quizlet - Lecture 12          password: ENKgovarmylec12

Just for fun, I found these toy figures of ancient Egyptians and artifacts here: Ancient Egypt figures