Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lecture 9 - Hatti at War

What can be said here? This lecture is detailed commentary on the weapons of war and structure of the Hittite army. It occurred to me that it's often said that modern weapons make killing way too easy and therefore we do it with less compunction than ancient people did. I disagree. Yes, it's easier to kill huge numbers of people - a serious downside. But it doesn't seem to have made it more likely. These ancient peoples spent their entire lives at war, and those who were civilians just trying to make it through another day didn't fare well either. Some guy was always busting through the door, raping, stealing, and hacking away. It seems the hopelessness and uncertainty of everyday life would make it likely that a family wouldn't bother too much beyond the necessities. It was too probable that any day now, they'd be stripped of all their belongings and even their other family members and deported to another land and culture entirely.

Quizlet for Hatti at War   Use password HArmyWarlec9
After lecture 14, I found History channel videos concerning underground Hittite cities! Here's the link to the post with the links to the videos: Underground Pelasgian cities

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