Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lecture 1 - A Meditation on Empire

Dise starts with an interesting discourse on what an empire is exactly. The actual meaning is rather subjective but I prefer the definition of "supreme rule". We use 'empire' as a noun defining the area that is ruled as in 'the Akkadian Empire' but, especially in modern times, empire could be more, like a financial empire. America has been considered an empire in a way but in exactly what way?

After the discussion of the meaning of the term 'empire', Dise goes on to discuss the three fundamental questions of the origin, governing and defense, and decline and fall of empires. Following that, he gives an overview of the empires he'll be teaching about, a very quick and general outline of the what and where. He uses maps of course, but it may be a very good idea to have your own available as well. If you're using a simple map of the ancient world, you may want to fill in features and areas as he discusses them.

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